

Off-site Consequence Analysis (OCA)

What is OCA?

  • Off-site Consequence Analysis (OCA) is intended to encourage hazardous chemical handling facilities to have sufficiently safe settings by assessing the effects and risk in the event of chemical accident at the facility and its surrounding areas in accordance with Article 23 of CCA.

Person subject to OCA compliance and timeline

  • A person who intends to install/operate facilities that handle hazardous chemicals must submit the OCA 30 days prior to construction of facility.

※ Exemption: Laboratories in accordnace with Article 2 (2) of Act on The Establishment of Safe Laboratory Environment
※ Person subject to submission of modified OCA: cases (such as expansion of handling facility) that fall under conditions described in Article 19 of Enforcement Rule of CCA

Consultation Services Provided by SHES

  • SHES is an agency designated by MoE (ORA-AT-2015-012) for preparation of OCA and review of business sites and provides related professional services and consultations.

Collection of Data and Review of Hazardous Chemicals Handling Facility

  • Hazardous chemicals and facilities handling those chemicals(on-site)
  • Review of industrial process
  • Review of business site and surrounding areas

Preparation of Analysis Report

  • General information on the Facility
  • Analyzing current status of hazardous chemicals handling facilities and possible accident impact areas (using accident analysis programs such as KORA)
  • Measures to secure safety

Submission and Correspondence with Relative Authorities

  • Submission to NICS and correspondence for supplementary requests

Satisfactory Notice Issued

  • Submission of Satisfactory Notice to NCIS
    ※ Relevant personnel from the business site must also be present when receiving Satisfactory Notice